Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Current Reading Status

I am very jealous of the number of books you have read (Brenna). I am planning on catching up soon. The little break from reading is over now. I have acquired new books, many at the suggestion of others, and from going through Half Price Books a few times recently. I have started Glory Road by Robert A Heinlein. He became a favorite of mine in the last few years. I learned about him by researching other authors that influenced one of my favorites Ray Bradbury. Heinlein's characters always intrigue me. We'll see how this book goes.

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is a book that interests me. Sadly, the books listed in the previous post are more my sister's taste than mine. Science fiction and fantasy of course more my reading style. But there are so many good books that I need to branch out and try reading.


  1. P.S. This is the second time writing this comment. Stupid technology!

    Sarah, I don't know if your comment, "Science Fiction and Fantasy of course are more my reading style" is true. When we have discussed books (which I am happy to say is almost everytime we hang out) you have spoken about many many many books outside the realms of Science Fiction and Fantasy. While you certainly have read many books within those two genres, I believe that you gravitate towards stories that you share a deeper connection to. In my opinion, you choose books that you resonate in your mind and soul. Not to say that all your reading choices do this, but I think you are able to be pickier than some of us. Myself, I cannot be picky. I am an emotional reader who is interested in almost every genre. While I might surmise that "Human Interest" stories are more my reading gig, what dies that mean? I often get so anxious during the process if what to read next, that I end up reading a "fluff" book that fills my need to read, but that leaves me a bit empty. This leaves so many books sad and lonely on my bookshelves. Books have feeling, right? These are my ponderings of the day and I am no closer to picking my next book than I was yesterday (sigh). My library books are due next week!!!

  2. And I quoted your comment incorrectly, oops!
