Kim Edwards, who also penned The Memory Keeper's Daughter, has created a compelling family story about a hidden family history. The protagonist, Lucy Jarrett, has come to a crossroads in her life and returns to her family home. Lucy does not intend to stay for very long as being in her family home brings up unresolved feelings of her father's death when she was a teenager. However, Lucy discovers seemingly benign objects locked up in a window seat and she throws herself into unearthing a history for someone in the family known as "R."
The Lake of Dreams is written with powerful female characters and provides a unique look into the suffragette movement. The art world plays a heavy hand in the novel's tale. A few members of the Jarrett family possess a gift for being able to hear the inner gears of a locking mechanism and are able to unlock it. I felt that this relates to our ability to hear our own inner workings and ask ourselves, "Can I unlock my heart?" How can we transcend our deepest pain? I cried when I finished this book and as wrapped up into a novel as I can get, I don't often cry. Edwards has tied the past with the future and illustrates the emotional journey of two strong women. You wont want to put this novel down!
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