Sunday, January 18, 2015

2014 Books Read

Last year wasn't devoid of any reading. I was just forgetful and lazy in blogging about them. Of course I didn't read as much as I would have liked. Since finding out that I am walking distance from a Half Price Books my collection of old science fiction books and Steinbeck books have expanded. It is fun to search for the old books that aren't in circulation anymore or have been forgotten for the new bestsellers. Plus when they are half price they are dirt cheap! Since I am putting a bunch of books together I will section them out in very brief write ups.

Robert A. Heinlein: I really enjoy reading his stories. I picked up The green hills of earth and The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag both of which are collections of short stories. It's nice because you can read a story in a short sitting. They are catchy and thought provoking. Of course I do still love Bradbury. But it is interesting to read some of the others Bradbury has pointed out to be influential on his writing.

Isaac Asimov: The movie version of I, Robot with Will Smith is one of my favorite movies. I found the book and decided to see what else there is to the story. The book is of course more in depth. However, the entire story line of Smith's character is not in the book. The movie takes some of the characters and adds to them. This makes both book and movie great on their own standing. The book has so many more characters and spans a long period of time. It is very interesting. I will definitely read more by Asimov.

Jules Verne: In all honesty I am still trying to finish Journey to the Center of the Earth. I feel like it could have ended a long time ago. Sadly I have come to where I needed something new and haven't picked it up again. However, I did read Master of the World and this book (shorter in length) had me turning the page. I wanted to understand how one man thought he could outsmart everyone and his belief system of why he should be "master" of the world.

Peter Benchley: Jaws. If you don't know about the movie then you need to rent it. I came upon the book at Half Price and didn't realize the movie was based on a book. The book is so much better! Usually is the case. The movie and the soundtrack to it are of course great. But you get to see so much more into the lives and minds of the characters in the small town of Amity.

So there is the nut shell of reading last year for me. I know there were probably more that I read. But these are the ones that stand out in my mind while looking back.


  1. There is a lot of Science Fiction/ Fantasy on this list. Why do you think you enjoy reading those genres the most?

  2. I was introduced to science fiction in high school when I read excerpts from The Martan Chronicles by Ray Bradbury. The writing was beautiful and the idea of intergalactic life was intriguing. After I read the entire book The Martian Chronicles I started to look at other books by him and eventually looked into which authors inspired him and decided to begin reading them. The themes of space travel, aliens, unexplained happenings, the future, and more allow my mind to travel farther than in a regular fictional story. I think this ability to distance myself from my current world by reading a scifi or fantasy book is the main aspect of these genres that I like. Not that I need to distance myself but that it is different than what I am used to. It is similar with fantasy. However, there is the difference of 'could this really happen?' to 'this can never happen'. The possibility of life on other planets and a world at the center of the Earth are things that get me to thinking of all the possibilities that are out there. It is also fun to see what the older science fiction writers thought the world would be like in the 21st century. I am just starting to get into books that are concentrated more on the post-apocalyptic theme. These books tend to sadden me and that is something that is worth thinking about. The fantasy stories I enjoy the most are where the author has created an entirely different world and has seen to every minute detail. To be able to see a different world in your mind and then write it out in a book so others can share it with you is amazing to me. How does a person just create something like that? Does it have anything to do with the way they see their world?

    1. I enjoy the science fiction and fantasy genres for the same reason. I loved reading Ender's Game, Speaker for the Dead, and Xenocide for those many same reasons. Orson Scott Card was the first author to introduce me into the science fiction world and I love it. I would like to continue on with the Ender books one day. Science fiction and fantasy books give me comfort that I am not alone in my many questions regarding the universe. However, they sometimes bog me down with worry and questions that no one has the answers to. This is frustrating. I will always love science fiction and fantasy because the genres constantly challenge my way of thinking.
